AFV excerpt from section 0.010 of:
Department of Motor Vehicles
1.010 Completing the Application for Registration of New Vehicle (REG 397)
Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV)--Light
duty (up to 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight), alternative
fuel vehicles are assessed a reduced vehicle license
fee (VLF) based on a modified sales price. The California
Energy Commission (CEC) identifies AFVs and provides
dealers with the instructions for calculating the modified
VLF. The law requires dealers to:
- Determine the reduced VLF by deducting
the amount credited to the AFV.
- State the actual incremental cost
in the sales or lease contract for the buyer.
- Report the incremental cost to
the CEC on a quarterly basis.
The additional requirements for registering
an AFV are:
- Submit a Statement of Facts (REG
256) with the REG 397 which shows the fee breakdown
for the cost of a comparable conventional vehicle
and the incremental cost of an AFV, the actual incremental
cost of an AFV, and how the final cost was determined.
- Show the modified cost of the AFV
on the REG 397 and note "S/F attached."
Determine the VLF due by exempting the incremental
cost of the AFV.
NOTE: Charge sales tax based
on the full sales price.
- Complete a Statement of Facts (REG
256) to submit with the Application for Registration
of New Vehicle (REG 397) showing:
- the fee breakdown for the cost
of a comparable conventional (gas or diesel fuel)
vehicle and the incremental cost of an AFV.
- the actual incremental cost of
an AFV (the difference between the AFV and the most
comparable conventional vehicle).
- how the final cost was derived.
NOTE: Retain a copy of the
REG 256 with the dealer's copy of the REG 397.
- Enter the modified sales price
on the REG 397 and note "S/F attached."
(The REG 397 will not be revised for this purpose.)
- Collect the reduced VLF from the
NOTE: Sales tax is assessed
on the actual full selling price.